
Concept locks

Types of locking situations

  1. Concept map is locked
  2. Concept map is read only
  3. Concept map is locked, but concept to edit is a part of a CM locked by another user
  4. Concept is viewed in the Vertex viewer
  5. Concept is edited in InfoItems cockpit

Lock policies

  1. One is not allowed to edit concepts in a read only CM (only view properties)
  2. One is not allowed to save a CM/change CM properties for a read only CM
  3. One is not allowed to edit concept properties if the concept is locked by another user (or the same user has open 2 edit dialogs for the same concept in different CMs)
  4. One is allowed to add relations to a concept locked by another user
  5. One is allowed to edit an unlocked concept that is in a CM locked by another user
  6. One is allowed to add information items to the concept locked by another user
  7. One is not allowed to edit II details if they are opened by another user (or the same user opened 2 II edit dialogs)
  8. If a concept map is closed, CM locks must be removed
    1. If the application is closed, all user's CM and concept locks must be removed
      1. What to do if the the browser crashed?
  9. Lock timeout has to be defined. Ideally it has to be as long as the user's session timout and cleaned up after the session is expired/closed
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 04/21/09 15:11:51

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