= Welcome to !LeCoOnt project home page = !LeCoOnt stands for Learning Concept Ontology. Initially the project was targeted on development an open source graphical editor for creating and maintaining lightweight domain ontologies used in Workflow- or Task- embedded e-Learning. !LeCoOnt sources in [http://www.eclipse.org Eclipse] format you can find under https://lecoont.opendfki.de/repos/trunk. The tool is available for anonymous download. If you would like to be a developer of the !LeCoOnt, please contact [mailto:rostanin@dfki.uni-kl.de?subject=LeCoOnt Oleg Rostanin]. ---- == Related pages == [LeCoOntLiterature Literature]- Here you will find documents and articles about the !LeCoOnt tool and related concepts. [LeCoOntDocumentation Documentation]- Here you will find information for developers and users of !LeCoOnt. ---- == Idea and Project Management == [http://www.orostanin.de/ Oleg Rostanin] == Current Developers == == Contributors in the Past == Björn Forcher Ravi Singh